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Determine whether dogs can be trained faster using a food reward or praise.The purpose of this experiment is to see if rewarding wanted behaviors is best achieved through praise or a food reward. Most ...

Determine which foods pack more nutrients into less calories.The purpose of this experiment is to learn about the foods that you eat and to learn which ones are healthier choices.It is an educational ...

Observe dominant and recessive traits in angelfish.The purpose of this experiment is show experimentally that two fish with heterozygous genes for color will produce offspring that of which 50% show t ...

Create a hybrid species of fish.The purpose of this experiment is to take fish of two different species in an attempt to create a hybrid of the two.It is an educational content by cli ...

Determine whether plants will grow if they are watered with various liquids.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether plants really need water to grow or whether they just need to be kept ...

Find out whether plants can survive being frozen.The purpose of this experiment is to expose plants to freezing temperatures at various stages of their development. The plants will then be evaluated a ...

Determine whether plants grow better in soil or in fish ponds. The purpose of this experiment is to grow lettuce plants in two different conditions to determine whether plants grow more rapidly in soi ...

See if male or female humans are more likely to exhibit some form of color blindness.The purpose of this experiment is to test human males and females to determine if one gender or the other is more l ...

Determine whether plants grow better in soil or in fish ponds. The purpose of this experiment is to grow lettuce plants in two different conditions to determine whether plants grow more rapidly in so ...

Find out how much yeast can cause bread to rise.The purpose of this experiment is to measure the growth of bread dough and find out how long it takes for the dough to stop rising.It is an educational ...